Not For Profit
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Driving Directions:
Oilville exit off Interstate 64. Make a right off the exit and about 1 mile make a left into the Oilville Industrial Park. On the right hand side across from H&C Auto and next to Brewer Communication.
About Us
The VAVRS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with an extensive history of assisting and advocating for EMS agencies in Virginia since 1935. Today we represent over 300 agencies with approximately 20,000 members. We are dedicated to meeting the ever-changing demands of emergency medical responders from all backgrounds and experiences. We provide high quality training and a collaborative environment for all emergency medical responders.
''The VAVRS shall promote and assist member rescue squads in improving pre-hospital care in Virginia.''
Pre-hospital care shall mean providing rescue functions and rendering of emergency care for patients outside the hospital. The VAVRS shall help its members improve pre-hospital care by:
Providing training to it members.
Improving communications and liaisons between agencies.
Promoting legislation beneficial to pre-hospital providers.
Providing management and assistance services.
Promoting and recognizing pre-hospital providers.